
Royalty Base Price

Royalty Base Price

Royalty Base Price is a term used by record labels typically referring to the wholesale price (PPD) less any distribution or packaging fees.

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Biggest fans at summer festival

Succeed In the Music Biz by Planning Your Success

Getting a record deal can be easy to do with proper planning. There are many experienced professionals in the music biz who will tell you that the music biz is all business. I agree. With any business, proper planning is the key to success in the music biz. This article describes some simple steps to plan your success.

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Psychedelic Trance Music

Electronic music became popular as a result of advances in technology (particularly the development of Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI), and has since blossomed into a bewildering variety of genres including house, techno, trance, breakbeat, hardcore, and ambient.

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