


SoundExchange collects and distributes digital performance royalties from the use of sound recordings on behalf of more than 155,000 recording artists and master rights owners (typically the record label) and administers direct agreements on behalf of rights owners and licensees. It is the only organization officially designated by the U.S. Congress to do so. SoundExchange pays featured and non-featured artists ( background vocalists, session musicians, etc.) and master rights owners for the non-interactive (you don’t choose which song plays) use of sound recordings under the statutory licenses set forth in 17 U.S.C. § 112 and 17 U.S.C. § 114.

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Music For The Restless Mind

This article is about music therapy and how it can be used as treatment for people with anxiety. Music’s history is indeterminable but it was believed that it was primary used by primitive people as a means to contact the spirit world and induce a feeling of wellness to people.

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