Five Steps to Protecting Your Music and Your Money
There are a lot of independent labels out there waiting to use a talented musician to make quick money. The offers may seem hard to refuse,
There are a lot of independent labels out there waiting to use a talented musician to make quick money. The offers may seem hard to refuse,
For those most passionate about their music, a job in music education is a natural fit.
I used to chill with a group of dudes at my friend chicken’s house and he had the Pet Shop Boys Discography album and used to play it and the more times I heard it the better it became.
The old method of promoting a new act in the music business was for a record company to invest at least $500,000 in studio time with a good producer, the cost of a good video, the advertising budget, and the cost of the first promotional road tour.
If you’re in the music biz, then you need good mastering before you launch your records. But, what should you look for in a good mastering engineer?
Here you can read about some the top singles that were banned by Auntie Beeb.
Getting a record deal can be easy to do with proper planning. There are many experienced professionals in the music biz who will tell you that the music biz is all business. I agree. With any business, proper planning is the key to success in the music biz. This article describes some simple steps to plan your success.
This article discusses music piracy and the hazards that it represent to all musicians. It discuses the nature of this piracy and its estimated costs and outlines the importance of protecting ones intellectual property.
The reasons you need to use Music Contracts. Protect yourself by having a solid agreement.
The main goal in creating a press kit is to generate interest in an artist and the music they play. A press kit includes background information, photos, samples of music, a listing of past and future gigs you have scheduled, and any other pertinent information.