
Commercially Satisfactory

Commercially Satisfactory

A record will be deemed by a record label to be “commercially satisfactory” when it has been judged to have a realistic potential to sell a reasonable amount of records.

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Music engineer and musician working together in recording studio using mixing desk

What Should You Look For In A Good Mastering Engineer?

If you’re in the music biz, then you need good mastering before you launch your records. But, what should you look for in a good mastering engineer? Discover 5 of the most important qualities to make sure you make the right choice to give your tracks the competitive edge inside!

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Music For The Restless Mind

This article is about music therapy and how it can be used as treatment for people with anxiety. Music’s history is indeterminable but it was believed that it was primary used by primitive people as a means to contact the spirit world and induce a feeling of wellness to people.

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